​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

Red Kites

 Miss Lauryn Wareing


My name is Miss Wareing and I teach Red Kites. This is my third year teaching after graduating from the University of Northampton. My favourite things outside of school are reading, walking and watching films. I love Marvel and Harry Potter which most of the pupils can relate to!

My door is always open so please come to see me with any questions or worries that you have.



Every child need to have a Chacombe PE kit, including a jumper and joggers for any cold days. Red Kites learn PE on a Monday and Wednesday. It is important that their P.E kits are in everyday as this can change some weeks. In spring 2 and summer 1 Red Kites will go swimming every Wednesday afternoon so they will need their swimming kits.




Children have a spelling book that should always be in their book bag. We are not testing weekly, however the children are expected to practice spellings that they know they are struggling with. There are methods such as: look, cover, write and check, writing them out lots of times, saying them out loud, focusing on 1 each day that could be helpful when practicing at home. I've also put the year 1 and 2 spelling list below which is always useful to go back to and practise, as many children still find these spellings tricky. I hope you will be able to encourage your children to practise their spellings.



It is vitally important that the children are reading regularly at home to an adult. The more they can practice at home, the better they will become. 

We are trying to listen to children read in class as often as possible, but it is quite difficult to fit it in with all of the other learning that is taking place. We have a weekly comprehension lesson to help with understanding the text.

We have a class guided reading session at least once a week, where we share the class text.

If your child has read 5 or more times at home, over the week, they will receive a house point and a sticker on their reading chart - this year the theme is 'Castle Quest'. Every time they achieve 5 stickers, they receive a certificate in celebration assembly.

Times Tables

The children are tested every Monday and if they achieve 12 / 12 for 2 consecutive weeks, they move onto the next times table. They will always know which times table they are working on and, again, it is vitally important that they practice regularly at home in lots of different ways.


Each week every child should read at home at least 5 times with an adult, learn their spellings and practice times tables.