​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust

Golden Eagles

 Miss Rachel Stickley





My name is Miss Stickley, I am the teacher of Golden Eagles. I have been teaching for 26 years, 22 of which have been at Chacombe. I have an 11 Year Old daughter who keeps me on my toes. In my spare time I enjoy reading, quizes, being outside and visiting interesting places.

My door is always open so please come to see me with any questions or worries that you have.


This term our topic is The Victorians especially the Industrial revolution and how this has impacted our environment over time, we will also be looking at what ife was like for a child in Victorian Times.



 Our PE days are Thursdays- Outside Games and Wednesdays- Dance and Gym.

Swimming for Golden Eagles is in the second half of the Summer Term.



Children have a spelling book that should always be in their book bag.  They no longer have a formal spelling test each week but instead have a spelling rule or pattern that they are working on and will be investigating during spelling lessons. They will have an informal check weekly of a random selection of words linked to the spelling rules and patterns they have learnt so far.


 It is vitally important that the children are reading regularly at home to an adult. The more they can practise at home, the better they will become. The children should aim to read five times a week. If they read five times in a week they will get a sticker and for every five stickers they will get a certificate. This Year our reading certificates will follow the theme of a Story Quest.

Times tables

Each week the children are expected to learn their times tables. They will progressively work through a range of different times tables- starting with learning single times tables moving through mixed timestables, to division and decimals.


Each week the children are expected to read at least five times and record in their reading diaries.

Revise the spelling rules they have learnt so far.

Learn their times tables.