Some of our policies are trust wide, rather than at school level- to view these please click on the Evolve Logo at the top of the page.
- Admissions Policy Chacombe 2024-25
- Admissions Policy Chacombe 2025-26
- Assessment-policy-2024
- Attendance-Policy-2024-2025
- Behaviour Policy 2023
- Chacombe exclusion-policy-2023
- Charging and Remissions 2023- 24
- collective worship policy chacombe
- Complaints-Policy-2024
- equality duty audit policy
- first aid policy
- Health-and-Safety-Policy-2024
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Part 3
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - part 2 - 2023- 24
- Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy 2023- 24 2
- Safer Recruitment policy2023
- SEN Policy 2022
- SIFA Chacombe
- Uniform policy 2023