​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

  • evolve trust


What do our school governors do?

The governing body of our school is responsible for ensuring that it is run to promote pupil achievement and safety.

Its duties include:

  • setting strategic direction, policies and objectives
  • approving the school budget
  • reviewing progress against the school's budget and objectives
  • appointing, challenging and supporting the headteacher

The governing body is made up of:

  • Foundation Governors (appointed by the Diocese)
  • Parent Governors (elected by parents)
  • Staff Governor (elected by school staff)
  • Community Governor
  • Headteacher (appointed by the governing body)

Current Governors (appointed by Evolve Church Academy Trust)




 Pecuniary Interests

Verena Childs

Chair from Sept 2018



20 Jul  2017


Janet Jones

Vice Chair


20 Jul  2017


Julie Blake Parent Governor Feb 2021 Her business helps with marketing of the school on social media
Claire Clarke Foundation Governor April 2023 None
Mark Fairbairn Foundation Governor April 2023 Wife is TA at Chacombe School





Natalie Coates

MAT Board Director
attends all meetings

1 Sep 2022


Rachel Stickley

Senior Teacher

Teaching, Curriculum Committee

1 Sep 2016







Support Staff Governor

We currently have 7 Governors at Chacombe. This includes a Chair and 2 Co-Vice Chair of Governors.


Each governor is appointed for a five year term which can be renewed for a further five years.

Register of attendance:

 05.10.23 - Natalie Coates (Head Teacher), Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Phil Short, Mark Fairbairn, Heather King (Clerk), Claire Clarke, Janet Jones, Julie Blake, Katie Faulkner, Oliver Johnson. 

30.11.23 - Natalie Coates (Head Teacher), Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Mark Fairbairn, Heather King (Clerk), Janet Jones, Julie Blake. 

Absent with apologies ;  Phil Short, Katie Faulkner 

08.02.24 - Natalie Coates (Head Teacher), Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Mark Fairbairn, Heather King (Clerk), Janet Jones, Julie Blake, Claire Clarke. 

 Absent with apologies ;  Phil Short. 

18.04.24 - Natalie Coates (Head Teacher), Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Mark Fairbairn, Heather King (Clerk), Janet Jones, Julie Blake, Claire Clarke. 

 Absent with apologies ;  Phil Short. 

 20.06.24 - Natalie Coates (Head Teacher), Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Mark Fairbairn, Heather King (Clerk), Janet Jones, Julie Blake, Claire Clarke. 

 Absent with apologies ;  Phil Short. 

30.09.24 - Natalie Coates, Verena Childs, Rachel Stickley, Janet Jones, Mark Fairbairn, Claire Clarke, Julie Blake, Ricky Emms (CEO) 


 Katie Faulkner - January 2024

Phil Short - September 2024

Newly appointed:

 Claire Clarke - Foundation Governor - April 2023

Mark Fairbairn - Foundation Governor - April 2023



Governor Roles 2024 / 25

Foundation Governors


Other Governors

Verena Childs (Chair)


Janet Jones 

 Claire Clarke (co-vice Chair)

Mark Fairbairn

 Rachel Stickley (Staff)

Natalie Coates (Head Teacher) 

Julie Blake (Parent - co-vice Chair)








Verena Childs


Attendance and Safeguarding


Verena Childs 

 Pupil Premium


Verena Childs



Mark Fairbairn 

English and Languages


Julie Blake

 Early Years


Claire Clarke


Data and Curriculum


Mark Fairbairn 




Janet Jones

Health and Safety


Mark Fairbairn





Rachel Stickley