​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

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Welcome to Osprey 

 Mrs Jackie Bracke


My name is Mrs Bracke and I have been the teacher in Osprey Class for the last 7 years.

For those of you who don't know me I have 4 children and have been involved with Chacombe Primary since my eldest started in 2004. During those years I have been a member of the PTA, taught the piano and, all be it very nervously, accompanied for the school summer productions. Prior to becoming a TA I was a school governor for 8 years.

Prior to life with children I studied Chemistry at University - a very different world but very enjoyable. Consequently, one of my favourite lessons is science along with maths, and music (always love the opportunity to burst into song as I am sure the children will tell you!?)

Outside of school I love anything to do with music and theatre. As a family we love to be outside, so spend any spare time we have walking, cycling or getting away for a country break! 

My door is always open, so please feel free to come and speak to me whenever you need to.



This will take place twice a week – this term it will be outdoor on a Wednesday and indoor on a Tuesday. As we work using a flexible timetable these days may change sometimes so can children please have their PE kits with them all week.

Children only need shorts and t-shirts for dance and gym as bare feet is best. Warm trousers, jumper and trainers for outside games. As the weather gets colder and wetter, we will still try to get outside as much as possible for games so it is vital that the children have warm tracksuit bottoms and a hoody top to wear. For girls wearing tights, please remember to pop a pair of socks in as well.


Children will be given a list of 10 spellings to access each week in class. Their spellings come from the new Year 1 and 2 curriculum list. Throughout the week they will practise them as often as is possible, using as many different methods as possible - these could include the look, cover, write and check method, writing them out lots of times, saying them out loud, focusing on one each day etc. There will not be any formal testing of these spellings.


It is vital that your child reads regularly at home, We will always do our best to hear children read, but sadly with the number of children in the class and all the learning we have to get through, it is often just not possible. If you feel your child's book needs changing please ask them to put it on my chair first thing in the morning.

Reading Story Quest: If your child is heard to read 5 times or more in a week at home please ensure you have recorded it in their reading diary on each occasion. They will then receive a sticker to put on their reading world and a class dojo. Once they have 5 stickers they receive a certificate in celebration worship. 

Phonics: This is taught daily following the 'Jolly Phonics' Scheme.  We learn phonics as pure sounds ssss not s-uh. If you are unsure how each sounds should be pronounced you can check here Jolly Phonics sounds

There are many other ideas and games available online to support your child with this at home.

Times Tables: These are used discretely daily in the maths lessons within the operations being taught. From Easter, Year 2 children will receive their times tables books to practise at home starting with their 10 times table. They will then be tested every Monday and will need to get them all correct two consecutive weeks running in order to move on to the next one.

Children in year 1 will not be tested but will still be learning times tables in a simpler format i.e. counting in 2s, counting in 5s or counting in 10s forwards and backwards in class.