​Chacombe CEVA Primary Academy

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Red Kites




    World Book Day            

World Book Day is Thursday, 4th March, but we'll be doing activities all week in school, so below are some activities that you could have a go at. Please send pictures in - we'd love to see what you've been up to!

* Bake / decorate a cake with a theme from your favourite book.


Send us a photo of you snuggled up, somewhere different, reading your favourite book!

* Make your own bookmark!

* Decorate a potato! Can you turn a potato into your favourite character from a book?



* Make sure you look at the activities posted on Seesaw - there are some fun activities for World Book Day!

* Enter the competition to design a Book Token - the sheet to print off is below.

* Click on a book in the digital library below, and hear all of it, or an extract being read on Youtube. 


We have chosen one of our favourite picture books for us all to share on World Book Day this year.

‘The Day the Crayons Quit’ is written by Drew Daywalt and illustrated by the fabulous Oliver Jeffers and is a book for everyone, from Barn Owls through to year 6s. You’ve probably read it before, but take some time to read it again (if you have it at home) or watch our special video with some people you may know reading the story :) 

* Choose one of the crayons and imagine you are Duncan – write a letter back to that crayon. What will you say? 

* Look at the last picture, where Duncan has used every crayon. What colour is the whale? What has he used black for? What colour is the sea?              

* Can you use the crayons to colour something differently? Can you create a huge picture, using every colour from the story and making each crayon happy by using them to draw / colour different things?

* Choose one of the colours and see how many related items you can think of. For example - red – fire engine, apple, tomato ketchup, stop sign, love heart

* Write a colour poem. Below are some examples of simple colour poems, using the sense - one is pink and one is yellow - can you write your own colour poem? Use the template and planning sheet below.


MATHS - Place Value and Number Revision

Maths  - Year 3 

Week 2 - So, for our final week of home learning, I've decided to have a re-cap on some of our addition and subtraction facts and methods.  

Monday - Today, we are working with multiplies of 100 - adding and subtracting.

Add and subtract multiples of 100

Tuesday - Adding 1 digit numbers to 3 digit numbers and crossing tens. So there is lots of mental addition in today's work.

Adding 3 digit and 1 digit numbers

Wednesday - Subtracting a single digit number from a 3 digit number and crossing tens, so again, more mental work today, but you have got number lines to help. There are also some missing number calculations.

Subtract a 1 digit number from a 3 digit number

Thursday -Working with multiples of 10 - subtracting 2 digit multiples of 10 from a 3 digit number.

Subtract a 2 digit number from a 3 digit number

Friday - Let's use all of our addition and subtraction facts and mental and written methods to work out some word problems today. Remember to read the question carefully and to write down all of your working out and calculations. 

Word Problems with addition and subtraction

Maths - Year 4

Week 2 - So, for our final week of home learning, I've decided to have a re-cap on some of our addition and subtraction facts and methods.

Monday - Working with place value today - adding and subtracting multiples of 10, 100 and 1000.

 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s

 Tuesday - Adding two 4 digit numbers where no exchanging is needed, so you can probably work through lots of these mentally, but do show methods where you can. Remember, even if you can do it in your head, use column method to show how you did it.

Adding two 4 digit numbers

 Wednesday  - Today we are adding two 4 digit numbers, using column method, where we have to exchange. This will take you back to when we first started to learn to use the column method for addition. Have a go at the extension too - column addition with more than one exchange.

 Adding two 4 digit number with exchange

 Thursday  - Subtracting two 4 digit numbers today, using column subtraction. There is no exchanging today, so make sure you are laying the calculation out correctly and show your working out when it asks you to.

Subtract two 4 digit numbers - no exchange

Friday  -So today, our final push on our column subtraction - this time with exchanging, so remember what we have to do if there are not enough ones in the column? We have to exchange 1 ten for ten ones. You can do this!!

Subtract two 4 digit numbers with exchange

English - week 2

 Week 2  - Let's get story writing this week!! We've spent all of last term, practising writing fantastic descriptive phrases, expanded noun phrases, prepositional phrases and so now let's use all of this to write our own story. We will be using Pi Corbett's 'The Time Slip Scarab' short story as our stimulus.

Monday  - Today, read back over the short story and look at the main parts - we will use these when we plan our own story. Firstly, though, you need to decide which object will transport your main character back to Ancient Egypt. Then, use the planning sheet below to plan your own story. Put as much detail in it as possible and any words, phrases that you think will really help. Maybe some words that you picked out from the story last week?

Tuesday  - Today, we will write our own story - go for it and enjoy writing your own short story!

Wednesday  -  You may need to spend a bit more time, finishing off your story today. Then, we are going to work on editing it and improving it. Follow the ideas on the sheet below to check that you've checked and edited everything - spelling, punctuation, descriptive language, improving vocabulary etc..

Thursday  - I haven't put anything on here today, as you may well want to work on one of the many activities I've put up linked to World Book Day! Have you written a letter back to the crayons from Duncan? Or written your own colour poem?

Friday  - Final day of our story writing. Would you be able to type up your finished short story and send it to me? I'd love to read them. You can photograph them, but it would be even better if you could send it to me as an attachment / word document and then I could print them out and read them all. You can send them to me on my school email or on Seesaw - I don't mind!

Science - Week  2

For science this week, we are continuing with fossils and now I know we can carry on with this topic back in the classroom!! Yay!!

 I have put a powerpoint below which has LOADS of information in it and will require lots of reading and also a little activity. But, if you would rather find out more about fossils on the internet or from books you have at home, then that is absolutely fine.

Also, this week, can you find out about a very famous lady - Mary Anning - we will be learning about her next week in school. I have put a sheet below for you to note down any facts you find. 

 Afternoon activities linked to our topics for this term

Here is a new list of activities that you can choose from - please continue working on activities linked to Ancient Egyptians, as this is still our main topic, but there are lots of different activities linked to science and other curriculum areas too. You can also add your own idea, if it's not on the list!

 Spellings Week 1

Can you ask somebody to test you on the spellings that you had last week?

Below are this week's spellings and some activities to do. Can you put your new spellings into sentences?


 As you know, reading is essential and, even though I'm not seeing you every day, I really hope you are all reading and enjoying books and sharing them with your family.

Have a go at the reading comprehensions below too, and remember that there are 3 different levels - push yourself and try one that is maybe a little harder this week.



At this point in the year, the children would normally be developing their skills in both orienteering and inclusive sports festivals, held at Chenderit. Below are links to videos created by Mrs King that provide ideas for both forms of activity, so the children (and families) can still get involved and have fun!

Orienteering Festival


Inclusive Sports Festival

Please feel free to send any photos of the children taking part in these sessions .

'Let's Do the Pharaoh'  - Jeremy Strong








 Weekly Assembly

We have assemblies on most days when we are in school and one of those assemblies is always linked to what is going on in the world around us. 



Meet the Teacher: Miss Coates

My name is Natalie Coates and I have been teaching for 21 years - 15 of those have been at Chacombe!

I started teaching in year 3 and 4, moved to year 5 and 6, have taught Foundation and Key Stage 1 and I am now back teaching Year 3 and 4!  

I have 2 children: Charlie is 16 and in year 11 at Chenderit and Ruby is 13 and in year 9.

I love teaching all subjects, but my favourites are art, maths and P.E. - particularly dance! I love to sing and dance and take any opportunity to have a little boogie - much to the embarrassment of my children!

Out of school, I enjoy pilates and tap dancing classes every week and like to keep as busy as possible!

My door is always open so please come to see me with any questions or worries that you have.


There are no documents to display at present.


P.E. will take place twice a week - Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday morning. This term it will be outdoor for every lesson and will be a mixture of invasion games, athletics and ball skills. 

All children should have their Chacombe PE tshirts and shorts, but it is also a good ideas to have warm trousers, a jumper and old trainers for outside games. Even if the weather is cold and wet, we will still try to get outside as much as possible for games so an extra pair of socks is always a good idea too!


Children have a spelling book that should always be in their book bag. Their spellings will be tested in class as a formal test every Monday. This term, I have given them 10 words from the last term in their previous year to ensure they don't miss out, but from January, they will have words from the new Year 3 or Year 4 curriculum list. They need to practice them as often as possible at home, using as many different methods as possible - these could include the look, cover, write and check method, writing them out lots of times, saying them out loud, focussing on 1 each day etc. They will have new spellings to learn each week and it would also be great if they could practise any that they got incorrect in the test the week before. I hope you will be able to encourage your children to practise their spellings.




It is vitally important that the children are reading regularly at home to an adult. The more they can practise at home, the better they will become. 

We are trying to listen to children read in class as often as possible, but it is quite difficult to fit it in with all of the other learning that is taking place. Also, we are listening to group reading every day, where a small group of children all read from the same text and we focus on decoding, blending, fluency and use of expression

We have a class guided reading session at least once a week, where we share the class text.

If your child has read 5 or more times at home, over the week, they will receive a house point and a sticker on their reading chart - this year the theme is 'Reading Around the World'. Every time they achieve 5 stickers, they receive a certificate in celebration assembly.

Times Tables

The children are tested every Tuesday and if they achieve 12 / 12 for 2 consecutive weeks, they move onto the next times table. They will always know which times table they are working on and, again, it is vitally important that they practise regularly at home in lots of different ways.